- norther
- сильный северный ветер (на юге США)
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
Norther — Фестиваль Wacken Open Air, 2007 Основная инф … Википедия
Norther — performing live at Wacken Open Air Background information Origin Espoo, Finland … Wikipedia
Norther — Pays d’origine Finlande Genre musical … Wikipédia en Français
Norther — Datos generales Origen Finlandia Estado Activo … Wikipedia Español
Norther — live am Wacken Open Air 2007 … Deutsch Wikipedia
norther — NÓRTHER s.n. (met.) Invazie de aer polar, cu vânturi puternice şi persistente, care se deplasează spre sudul S.U.a., spre Marea Caraibilor şi America Centrală. [pl. northers. / < engl. norther]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 24.06.2005. Sursa: DN … … Dicționar Român
Norther — North er, n. A wind from the north; esp., a strong and cold north wind in Texas and the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
norther — ☆ norther [nôr′thər ] n. a storm or strong wind from the north; esp., a cold wind in the area of or about the Gulf of Mexico or of the Southwestern plains … English World dictionary
Norther — Nor|ther [ nɔ:ðɐ], der; s, [engl. norther, zu: north]: 1. heftiger, kalter Nordwind in Nord u. Mittelamerika. 2. heißer, trockener Wüstenwind an der Südküste Australiens. * * * Nor|ther [ nɔ:ȓə], der; s, [engl. norther, zu: north]: 1. heftiger,… … Universal-Lexikon
Norther — Nor|ther [ nɔ:ȓə] der; s, <aus gleichbed. engl. norther>: 1. heftiger, kalter Nordwind in Nord u. Mittelamerika. 2. heißer, trockener Wüstenwind an der Südküste Australiens … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
norther — A stormy, northerly wind of sudden onset occurring during the colder half of the year over the region from Texas southward across the Gulf of Mexico and the western Caribbean. Also called a blue norther … Aviation dictionary